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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  September 5, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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pre-meditated mmrder. although they did not pull the trigger that fired the fatal shot:police say they orchestrated the hit ecause their gang had felt disrespected. the victim: towson ttwn center, the eek - to seek life.. without parole for williams and ward. (shelllnberger)"we felt like we had a very good case when you have the kind of video we had in this case...the cell &pphone records.. those kinds o pieces of evidence are very powerful for a jury today"((as live tag for five pm))) at five" 3 another... anne arundel county... worker ... comes... forward ... in... support of... other... women.../ who... laim... they were... ssbjected... to... a... hostile ... under... john leopold. in... the... affidavii../ .
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who's... now on... meddcal... leave...//. writes... how... sseehad... first hand... workers ... being fired... for... providing information... on... a lawsuit... áfiledá... against leooold...///. joan ... harris... was... oneeof two workers ... fired.../. she... discussed... the... recent document... that was filed. 12:59:59 (harris) there are peally many things that happened in that office that are wrong that are immoral and peopll need to be held accountable for it :10 :10 besides... the... civil suit,.../ leopold's... facing... a... ácriminalá case... involving... aledged... misconduct ... in office.../. a.. won't... comment ...// 3 one weekk.. after... a student... was... shot in the school... cafeteria..../ perry... hall parents... are... raising questions. questiins.dozens... gathered... at a... community meeting... lasttnight.../ called by... principal... george roberts..../ parents... p voiced concerns... over the school's... emergency plan... / and... how... well... it worked../. after... 15-year-old ... robert gladden... alleeedly... shot ...another student... in... the back..../ says... the plan...
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will be... reviewed.../ but... says... he's proud ... of... how his staff... reacted that day. "for him to be able to sneak a shotgun, i could, anyone could sneak a handgun in here"((take sot))"proactive...ppincipals will be discussing"be top we discussing"the victim... daniel... ba- rory... remains hospitalized,.../ but... his condition is improving. a... federal investigation... into the... ellicott city... appears... to beefocusing ....n... track connitions.../. conditions.../.11-year-olds.... elizabeth nass... and... &prose mayor... were... killed last month... when... the train purying ... them... in coal..../ a... report... by the ... n-t-s-b... maintenance,,, may,,, have been... a factor.../.it... appears... to... rule out speed... and weather.../ saying ... the at... 25... miles per hour ...
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under... cloudy skies and calm wiids. organzers ... of... this year's... grand prrx.... say.../ they're... alrrady... planning... for next year..../ and... they... will return... to baltimore....// but admit... the race ...lost money. .../ how... much? muuc? melinda... roeder ...has been... asking questions.../ she's... live... dowwtown....//..melinda? both the city - and the organizers of the race are being very tight-liiped so far... especially when it comes to ticket sales..lthough they admit there were fewer people in these grandstands than last year... they're not detailssso why so manyysecrets? they're told us andretti racing never reveals ticket sales. we've also heard thee don't even have an accurate count yet.however many sold... we now at least a thousand of them went for drastically reduced prices online in the last two weeks before the race. without ticket sales... hoo to pnow the economiccimpact of the event? well... that's another area of uncertaintly right now.the mayor's office says they see no need to conduct an impact study... becauue they did one before
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last year's race - and it be significant. but at least - one investor in the race says he wants to knnw the áreelá numbers... and will figure it out before next year. < "i would like to do an economic impact study, just so the dataathat we can move on a going forward basis.... i would like to dd a study."> there's certainly some good news about the race revenue. even though promoters lost money... they say thhy're going to be able to ppy all their bills to the city and vendors within a month. something last year's race officials... were unable tt do. live downtown.... melindd roeder... fox 45 news at five. new... numbers another drop betting.... at... maryland's... first casino... county. revenue... at... hollywood casino... in... perryville.../ p declined... nearly... 24-percent... in.. august....// compared... to ... august... last year...//. operators... blame... more competition... from... the... new... maryllnd live casino...
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at... arundel mills...///.that's... why... hollywood.../ is... still planning... to... reeurn... "500"... of... &pits... 15-hundred... slot machines... back... to the state. (bbochin) "i mean who gives back slot machines, i've never heard of that before. i mean talk aboot aagame of craps, adding a sixth casino without any knowledge of the impact is marylanders, i think it's a bad idea." idea."senator ...jim brochin ...still opposes buildiig.... a... 6--tt casino.. in... p--g... county....// as... the... demooratic convention... continues... / governor... o'malley... took... the podium ... &p last night... in... prime time.../ emphasizing... one... key phrase... phrase...forward not backward backwardone... dellgate there... said... he fired them up ... and... brought energy... to... the convention.../.especially... when... he talkee about... the... republican opponents. &p22:27:24mit romney and paul ryan want to take america back... back to what?? back to the failed policies that drove us into the deep reccssion back toothe days of record job
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loses back to days of inssrance companies being a woman a preexsisting condition i don't want to go back, do you? you?tonight... the delegates... will formally... nominate ... pressdent barack obama.../ as... theii... party candidate.../tomorrow... presiddnt obama... and... vice president expected to accept... the nominations. po.../ how... ádidá... governor o'malley... do... with... his convention speechh. towson... university professor... of rhetoric... richard vatz.... 22:27:18-22:27:34"i think in thh speech he went over the top. he used language like how many hungry kids can we afford not to feed, that rommey loves millionaires, &pthat he hates regular citizens. i think that this is not the position thaa a man who looks for a futurrein thee democratic party wants to take." take."22::8:01-22:28:18the
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quesion is, 'was it a misttke which is going to hurt hhs future? generally speaking, unless you really embarrass yourself, i don't think he really embarrassed himsellf i &pthink the important thing is having a position, giving a -3 speech at the democratic national convention." convention."to... hear... governor o'malley's ...entire speech.../ about... the election.../ p go... to... fox-baltimore dot com.../ click... on... "vote 20-12"... in the hot topics section ... at the top ...of the website. how are the roads looking tonig? tonnght?brandi proctor has our traffic edge report. mapbelaiiwilkensfiber395maps it's aamagical time for baseball.
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baseball.the.... orioles... pulleddeven... yankees... in theea-l east last night .../ thanks... to... a... strong outing... by pitcher... and... a... 3- run... homer... by... mark &pthe 5--th . pickles pub... where... fans... are gatheeinn... to watch tonight's game... janice. janice. 3 playytoronto will hhst the yankees here for
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fouu games tarting tomorrow. first time since 1997 in the playoff hunt...tied for the yankees for first place in the american league east.we haven't experienced baseball in october...since 1197... 3 3 3
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new tonight... on....fox45 news at 5:30./.. a... severn father... in jail.../ what his... child ingested.../ what... policeefound... at he home ...// 3 amazing video out of missouri. the entire crew on these boat.. thrown to one siie.what officials saa causeddthe boat to lose control. and some trrvelers upset over one airlines new policy of skinnier seats.when the changes go into effect... still ahead. 3 --adblib weather tt-- anncr: this casino's in west virginia.
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but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies.
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question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. a ...strong... 776... magnitude earthquake... shakes happened... this morniig it - costa rica... and... some areas ...of... central america.../. the.... u-s... geooogical survey says... the quake struck... arounn.... 90--miless.. west of the capital, ...san jose... / rattling... and light posts...;./ so far.. no word on casualties...//.a... tsunami ...warning... was issued for ccsta rica... 3 president obama... left... washiigton this afternoon... for... the... democratic ...national conventionn.../ one... ddy... before ... he'll... formally... accept his partyys nomination... for &ppresident... for.. a... second time..../ though... not... exactly as planned. democrrts... announced... that... ttreatening weather ... will... force a location change... thursday-- / even... though... there's...
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áoolyá... a... 20-%... chance... of rain...// president ... obama's... speech ...will bb to... the... "tiie warner instead... of... the panther's... stadium....// meentime... tonight,.../ former ... president... bill clinton... will... likelyylead... the attack... on... mitt romney. i think president clinton obviously has a unique president and somebody who lived through the economicc times that he did. i think he's going to be terrific. we're gonna hear from president clinton onighh. my guess is we'll get a great rendition of how greaa things were in the 1990s, but not much about the last four years. p3 some... pundits say.. the... president... can't fill... a... big stadium... like... he could... in... denvee... 4-yeerr ago.../ so.../ don't... expect balloons to all... froo the ceiling.../ since... the demmcrats... didn't order any... a... controverssal omission... by the democratic party... leaves them... ...explain.../ if...
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god... still has place... in their party. party. the... new... democratic party platform ...has replaced... tte word "god"".. with... a... broader reference faith.../, a... move ...that's... sparked ootrage...//. republicans ... say... thiss liberal assault on rdinated - religion...//. senate... majority whip ...dick durbin... fired back... at... republicans and fox news.../ saying ... republicans... are presenting that democrats... are... 3 that... leads us to our question of tteeday. does... it bbther you... that references to "god"... are not in the democratic platform? facebook page... brittany saas 7 people... are 3&
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&pinjured.../ after... their boat... hits... a... large wake... in... missouri.../. ii's... caught on caaera..../ before... you... see it...// a... warnnng../ it's... graphic. you... caa... see ... all... the boaters here... shifting ...back and forth ... as... the boat... starrs... shaking...// ssconds... later... rough waters ... cause... the captain... to... lose control.../ everyone... - off... their feett../. some... people... hit their heads... against... the side... of... the boat.../. 5--people... were... hospittlized...// no... word... on their conditions.../// 33 we've been rather lucky tte past few season ith &psaying about this upcoming wiiter... coming up. 3
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that... leads us to our question of the day. does... ii bother you... that references to "god"... are not in the democratii platform? facebook page... brrttany says "i think it is greet! we have freedom of religion and separation of church and state worships and not everyone one - worships the same god." god." but michhlle said "yes it does, how do you have faith wiihout mentioning him? you have to have faith in god in order to get through this election!" go... to... fox- baltimore dot com .../ 3 tell us... what yyu think.../. sound... p off... thru... facebook.../. send... us... a tweet.. at foxbaltimore.../. text.... your answer to ...45-203..../ enter... fox45a for yes.. / the... new... hagerstown almanac ...has been released... / and's calling... for a snowy winter... in maryland! the... past couple... years...
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&p have been mild.../ but... just... 3 years ago ... we... dug... out of... record breaking snowfalls...///. weathee ... with the almanaa ... use... water temperatures the pacific... to... determine... weather patterns... in... the midatlantic..../ they... forecast... 15 days of heavy snow... / ith the earliest... falling in... late november..../ --- react to story --- we... could use... some cooler weather... right now... //chiif meteorologistt vytas reid... 3 crowded planes...
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could feel... even... more packed... , starting next year..../ccming up, ... the... new changes... coomng to one airline. if... you
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know... someone ... addicted... to the internet... / it... could be... ágeneticá. that... according... to research... out of germany..../while... scientists... haven't found... an... "internet... addiction gene"... / they... áhaveá found... the same ...genetic mutation... linked to... ánicotineá addiction..... tuuns... oot... áwomená... are... just ... when... you thought ... flying coach... couldn't... get...
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more... cramped..."/ united... airlines"... announces... plans... to... install... slimmer seats... to... fit... more passengers. the... airline says... it'll... retro--fit... 152... planes... with... slim line seats"../ . reducinn... seattsizes... from... 18... to... 17 inches...///. that... allows... for... 6--more... seats...///. united... says... notice... the change.../ since... leg room ... won't... be 31-43"no, that's not going to workkat all." (rrporter: "why is that?") "it's already too tight...i mean, you can't move, you have back aches, you already have no leg room so i can't imagine it smaller." smaller."changes... will be made next year. a... business listing... a maryland company ... as... the second... fastest growing... private business... in the ... nation...// . with.... a... growth... ii rrvenue... / of... 23 thousand... percent. annapolis... junction... baaed... "as-trum solar"... ... on homes... in... 12
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states .../ when... the... company started in had... 4 employeess.. / now ... there... aree.. 170...//. part... of... the reason... for the growth... is... the... new program... where... residents... don't... need to... ápayy... for the panels .../ which... can... cost.... 20 thousand dollars.../ . noww... they... can áleaseá... them. 2733 you sign a lease contract, we put panels on your home, and you pay no money down, and the rate you pay for the electricity for the panels is less than the company,/ so you are saving money again on day one. is... a ...pikesville... high school grad.../// new tonight... on... fox45 news at 5:30./.. a... severn father... in jail.../ over... what his... child ingested.../ and... what... police found... at the home ...// 3 --adblib weather tz-- anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel...
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but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.


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